Residents Receive ‘Bubbe’s Bags’
December 13, 2019
Wow! We were blessed by the overwhelming generosity of the families at Amazing Scholar Academy Preschool in Ross Township. The preschool embraced the giving spirit of the holidays by donating 50 gift bags for our residents through a project called Bubbe's Bags. The effort was launched in memory of local resident Cheryl Buchlmayer, who died in October after a year-long battle with pancreatic cancer and who had special ties to both the preschool and the Mt. Assisi complex.
Our residents submitted short wish lists, and the preschool families came through in fine fashion! The bags were delivered to our residents while the preschool's 4-year-old students were onsite here for two performances of their Holiday Spirit Spectacular December 12-13. Thank you to the children, parents and teachers of Amazing Scholar Academy Preschool for making a difference in the lives of our residents!
Of Note: This preschool was formerly known as Mount Assisi Academy Preschool and operated out of our building for more than 30 years before relocating to McKnight United Methodist Church in 2017.
Some of the students of Amazing Scholar Academy Preschool with a batch of Bubbe’s Bags ready for delivery to Mt. Assisi Place.