Looking Good,
Feeling Good

Beautician Margie Brown visits Mt. Assisi Place on most Tuesdays to offer beauty and barber services for our Residents in both Marian Hall and Antonia Hall. Some Residents have their hair done each week, while others do so less frequently — it is truly up to each Resident. Charges for these services are usually billed directly to a Residents’ account so they do not need to worry about paying in person at the time of their appointment.

Beauty Shop Prices

Below are the current prices for beauty and barber services:

Shampoo & Set: $13
Cut: $12
Set & Cut: $20
Color & Set: $38
Perm, Cut & Set: $45
Wash & Dry: $10

Please Note: There are some rare weeks throughout the year during which beauty and barber services are moved to another day of the week, but Residents are notified in advance of the change.


Manicures, Too!

Our Activities team regularly offers informal manicures as an afternoon activity. Residents can enjoy a gentle hand massage with lotion, and choose their polish color. Dates and times are posted on the monthly Activities Calendar.