Help Protect Our Residents

Ongoing Updates Regarding COVID-19 and Overall Infection Control

April 24, 2023

Visiting & Mass Resume

Our temporary suspension of visitor access to our facility has ended and, effective today, visitors are again welcome here at Mt. Assisi Place. However, as always, we ask you to use common sense when visiting. If you are not feeling well — whether with upper respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms — please do not come. Take into consideration how very quickly illness can spread among our vulnerable elderly Residents.

Our regular daily Mass schedule also has resumed. Face coverings are recommended in common areas, such as the chapel. Thank you for your cooperation.

April 18, 2023

New Infection Control Measures in Place

Several of our Residents are currently experiencing symptoms of upper respiratory illness. Therefore, we have put in place temporary restrictions to prevent further spread:

  • All non-medical visits are restricted for the time being.

  • Residents in Marian Hall, as well as any others who are not feeling well, have been asked to stay in their rooms.

  • All group activities are temporarily suspended.

  • Marian Hall Residents are receiving meals in their rooms. Provided they are feeling well, other Residents may still go to the dining room.

  • A Resident and an employee each have tested positive for COVID-19. We are monitoring all others for symptoms and will act accordingly.

  • Mass is cancelled until further notice.

  • If there is a specific concern about a Resident, the family will be contacted directly.

We ask that our Residents, employees and visitors honor these guidelines for their own safety, as well as in respect for others they encounter in our personal care community. We also ask for your patience and cooperation at this time. Please direct questions to Diane Ott at

May 4, 2022

May 2 COVID Testing Indicates ‘All Clear’

A second round of COVID testing conducted at Mt. Assisi Place on May 2 turned up no positive cases. No further testing is needed at this time, and restrictions put in place two weeks ago are being lifted today.

Visitors are again permitted to come to the Antonia Hall side of the building, following our standard guidelines for all visitors.

Mass will resume in our main chapel tomorrow, Thursday, May 5, according to the regular schedule — 8 a.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

Thank you to everyone for their patience and compliance over the last two weeks.

Please be reminded that second COVID vaccine boosters will be administered here on Wednesday, May 11. Consent forms are due to Sister Gracy by Monday, May 9.

May 2, 2022

COVID Boosters Set for May 11

Representatives from Giant Eagle Pharmacy will be at Mt. Assisi Place on Wednesday, May 11, to administer second COVID vaccine booster shots to any Resident or staff member who wishes to receive them. The required booster registration and consent form must be completed ahead of time and returned to Sister Gracy Kundukulam no later than Monday, May 9.

Click the green button below to print the two-page form. You may scan and email your completed form to Sister Gracy at or drop it off at our Reception Desk during normal business hours. If you do not have access to a printer, blank forms are available at the Reception Desk for you to complete onsite.

Please direct questions about vaccine boosters to Diane Ott at 412-761-1999.

April 25, 2022

COVID Cases Limited to Sisters

The facility-wide COVID testing conducted here on Friday identified two more positive cases in Antonia Hall. The virus was detected in two Sisters who had been in close contact with the first Sister to test positive. All three affected Sisters remain in quarantine, but are doing well.

No other positive cases were identified among our staff, other Antonia Hall Residents, or among Residents who live on the Marian Hall side of the building.

At this time, non-medical visits to Antonia Hall remain suspended. We will need to conduct an additional round of testing on the Antonia Hall side, likely next week. Specifics about date and time of testing will be shared with you as soon as they are confirmed.

We also have arranged for Residents and staff who wish to receive the second COVID vaccine booster to do so here onsite on Wednesday, May 11. More details and the appropriate consent form will be sent out in the coming days. Please direct questions about testing or boosters to Diane Ott at 412-761-1999.

April 21, 2022

Facility-Wide COVID Testing Set for April 22

COVID testing for all Residents and employees will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, April 22, here at Mt. Assisi Place. Residents will be tested in their rooms. Any employee who has worked during the last two weeks should report to the Liturgy Room for testing. This is the large conference room across from the administrator's office. The family of any Resident who tests positive will be contacted immediately after the results are available to us (usually within a few days). Please direct questions to Diane Ott at 412-761-1999.

April 19, 2022

Increased COVID Precautions Underway

This morning, one of the Sisters who lives on the Antonia Hall side of the building tested positive for COVID-19. She is experiencing moderate symptoms and is in isolation. In response — and for the protection of our Residents and staff — the following precautions are effective immediately:

  • All non-medical visits to Antonia Hall are temporarily suspended.

  • All Residents of the Antonia Hall side are asked to remain on their own floors. They are not confined to their rooms, can enter the hallway and can use the lounges on their own floors. But they will receive all meals in their rooms for the time being.

  • Residents throughout our facility are advised to wear masks when outside their rooms.

  • Personal protective equipment has been made available to Antonia Hall staff.

  • Visitors are permitted to the Marian Hall side of the building, but family members are encouraged to be especially cautious and use their best judgement about visiting at this time.

  • Also as a precaution, we are closing the main chapel for two weeks. Accordingly, daily Mass is canceled until further notice.

  • We are currently working with the appropriate agencies to arrange testing for Residents and employees.

  • Likewise, we are also working with Giant Eagle Pharmacy to arrange for second vaccine booster shots to be available onsite in the near future.

Further details will be shared as they become available. In the meantime, please direct questions to Diane Ott ( or Sister Gracy Kundukulam ( by email or at 412-761-1999.

November 1, 2021

Booster Consent Forms Due November 6

As we informed you last week, Giant Eagle Pharmacy will be here next Wednesday, November 10, to conduct an onsite COVID vaccine booster shot clinic. Boosters for the Pfizer vaccine will be available to all Residents and staff members who wish to receive them.

Click the green button below to view and print the required consent form that must be completed and returned to Sister Gracy by this Saturday, November 6. Hardcopies of this form also are available at the Reception Desk. Boosters cannot be administered without this form. Completed forms can be dropped off between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily or emailed to Sister Gracy at

October 28, 2021

Booster Shot Clinic Set for November 10

We have arranged for Giant Eagle Pharmacy to conduct an onsite COVID vaccine booster shot clinic here at Mt. Assisi Place on Wednesday, November 10. Boosters for the Pfizer vaccine will be made available to all Residents and staff members who wish to receive them. As soon as Giant Eagle provides us with the proper consent form, we will share it with all of you for completion. Click here for a factsheet about the booster.

Also, please be reminded that Giant Eagle Pharmacy will be here tomorrow afternoon, following our Spooky Lunch, to administer flu shots to all those who have completed consent forms.

Mass has resumed in our chapel four days per week, and we are easing back into a more regular activities schedule. Beginning on Monday, we will have Mass six days per week. It will start at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday, and at 9 a.m. on Sundays.

Our Residents have been relieved to have visitors again. It has been nice to have so many of your smiling faces back with us this week.

October 20, 2021

Visits & Activities to Resume Following
Second Week of Good Test Results

We are happy to report that this week's round of COVID-19 testing turned up no positive results. This is the second consecutive week that we have received a good report, satisfying the requirements to ease the restrictions that have been in place for more than a month.

Visitors may return to our building beginning tomorrow, Thursday, October 21, following our previous visiting guidelines. For the protection of our Residents, we ask that all family members abide by these rules.

Activities will slowly resume in the coming days, and we will start having Mass in our chapel again this Sunday, October 24.

We are grateful to our Residents and families for their cooperation and resilience during what has been a difficult and trying period for all. We also remain grateful to our dedicated frontline workers who helped us to push through our recent challenges.

October 14, 2021

MAP Receives Clear Round of Results

Dana, Lillian and Betty enjoy a fresh breath of fall air on October 14.

Dana, Lillian and Betty enjoy a fresh breath of fall air on October 14.

We are pleased to report that the most recent round of COVID-19 testing of Residents and staff conducted here on Tuesday turned up no positive cases. To be clear, no one here tested positive for coronavirus this time around.

We will need to complete a second round of testing with no positive cases in order for our outbreak to be considered resolved. Residents and staff will be tested again on Monday, October 18, following our usual protocol. If next week's tests yield no positive results, we will be able to reevaluate our restrictions and activities.

Our Residents have returned to the dining room for meals in a socially-distanced setting, enjoying menus that have been updated to include Resident requests. Our activities staff continues to creatively engage them and, when possible, sees that those who wish to do get outside to enjoy the pleasant fall weather.

Non-medical visits remain suspended for the timing being. We will keep you posted on when we can safely welcome visitors again and thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.

October 13, 2021

Flu Shots Available Onsite October 29

We have partnered with Giant Eagle Pharmacy again this year to provide an onsite flu shot clinic at Mt. Assisi Place on Friday, October 29. A pharmacy team will go room to room that afternoon to administer flu shots for all residents who wish to receive them.

Residents (or family members on their behalf) are asked to complete the required consent form and to provide a copy of their current health insurance card. These items are due back to Sister Gracy Kundukulam, director of resident care, by next Friday, October 22.

Flu shots also will be available to all employees that afternoon in the Liturgy Room. Employees must complete the consent form and bring a copy of their health insurance card. Also, by presenting a copy of your Giant Eagle Advantage Card, you will receive for $5 grocery store credit.

All Residents and employees who wish to receive a flu shot on October 29 are advised to wear short sleeves that day.

Consent forms are available by clicking the green button below. Hardcopies also are available at the Reception Desk during normal business hours.

The flu shot is not mandatory but is highly recommended, especially for those living and working among seniors in long-term care facilities. Those in quarantine will not be able to receive the flu shot that day. If you have any questions, please contact Sister Gracy at 412-761-1999.

October 6, 2021

Positivity Rate Continues to Decline

We conducted our most recent round of COVID testing on October 4. One Resident and one staff member tested positive. This is a marked decline from previous weeks, and we are encouraged that things are moving in the right direction.

The affected Resident is in isolation and is being closely monitored. The employee will be out of work for at least 10 days. We will test all Residents and staff again on Monday, October 11, following our usual protocol.

Residents will be permitted to leave their rooms and to return to the dining room for meals beginning on Monday. This decision has been made with guidance from the state and will be a welcome step toward “normal” for everyone here. We are encouraging face coverings for all, except when eating. An updated dining menu will be posted in the building and on our website tomorrow.

All non-medical visits remain suspended for now. We will keep you posted on when we can safely welcome visitors again and will reach out on a one-to-one basis should we have concerns about a Resident. We ask for your continued patience and cooperation.


September 29, 2021

Latest Test Results Show Improvement

Today we received the results of testing conducted on September 27. One resident and three employees tested positive. All are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms. The employees are prohibited from returning to work for at least 10 days. Overall, however, these results reflect a lower positively rate than in previous weeks. We hope to see continued improvement moving forward.

Quarantine Continues ... For Now — All of our Residents remain in their rooms and continue to receive meals there. As we aware of the emotional impact of extended isolation, our activities staff continues to find creative ways to engage our Residents safely with adaptive card and dice games, word puzzles, doorway exercises, music and even just one-on-one visits to make conversation. The Allegheny County Bookmobile also came by today to drop off some new reading materials. We know how difficult this all is on everyone involved and look forward to easing restrictions as soon as it is safe to do so.

Family Communication — We have been communicating regularly with the families of the Residents who have been impacted by the outbreak. Everyone is being closely monitored on a case-by-case basis. We are pleased to report that some who have tested positive are doing extremely well. Likewise, some employees who were the first to test positive, have completed their quarantine and are ready to return to work. As always, we will be in touch directly if we have concerns about your loved one and welcome you to reach out to us with questions.

Gratitude & Good Wishes — We remain grateful to our employees — from hands-on care to housekeeping to maintenance to food service — who have banded together to work through these difficult circumstances, in many cases going above and beyond to tackle duties outside their normal responsibilities. We also extend well wishes to our quarantined team members who are battling symptoms of varied severity. Thanks, also, to all who are praying for us and showing their support in various ways.

Next Testing October 4 — Our next round of COVID testing will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, October 4. We will follow the same procedures, with Residents being tested in their rooms and employees reporting to the Liturgy Room. Testing will be administered by Diane Ott. We anticipate having results as early as October 6.

Flu Shots & Boosters — We previously contracted with Giant Eagle Pharmacy to conduct our annual flu shot clinic here in October. However, due to the current circumstances, we are seeking guidance on when we can safely host the clinic. We also contracted with CVS this summer in anticipation of COVID booster shots becoming available. We are awaiting word from them on when it will be our turn. We will follow medical guidance on when those who have been affected by the outbreak can safely receive booster shots. More information will be coming soon.

Passing the Time — Please continue to stay in touch, as our Residents always look forward to receiving letters, cards, photos and phone calls to lift their spirits. We also welcome donations of adult coloring books, new large-print word puzzle books, and small jigsaw puzzles with larger pieces (nothing over 250 pieces). Music always seems to lift our Residents' spirits, so temporary loans of small boom boxes on which we can play their preferred music also are appreciated.

September 23, 2021

Team Continues to Navigate Outbreak

We are writing to provide an update on our latest round of testing, conducted here on Monday, September 20. Unfortunately, we had a few more Residents and employees test positive for COVID-19. The impacted Residents are all mildly symptomatic and are being closely monitored. Their families have been contacted directly. The affected employees are prohibited from returning to work for 10 days.

We commend our employees who are going above and beyond to help us to push through this challenging time, providing hands-on care and finding creative ways to offer some stimulation to our Residents during their extended isolation. The state also sent two temporary helpers to support our own care team, but we only have them for four days. 

We will continue to have weekly testing until we have completed two rounds of testing with no positive results. Our next round of testing will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, September 27. We will follow the same procedures with Residents being tested in their rooms and employees reporting to the Liturgy Room. We anticipate having those results as early as September 29.  

As always, we will be in touch directly if we have concerns about your loved one. Likewise, we welcome you to reach out to Diane and Sister Gracy with questions.

September 17, 2021

Next Round of COVID-19 Testing Set for September 20

The next round of COVID-19 testing for all Residents and employees will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, September 20. As is our regular practice, Residents will be tested in their rooms, and employees should report to the Liturgy Room. Testing is free. We anticipate having the results as early as Wednesday, September 22. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Diane Ott.

MAP Applies for Antibody Treatment — We have applied to the state in order to provide monoclonal antibody treatment to any Resident who tests positive. This treatment strengthens the body's immune response to the virus and helps to prevent serious disease. To learn more and to view a short informational video, click below. The family of anyone who meets the criteria for this treatment will be contacted before it is administered.

We'll Call ... We Promise — Please be assured that should your loved one test positive or exhibit symptoms of concern, we will contact you directly to let you know what is happening. If you have not heard directly from our Resident care team, your loved one is not among those directly impacted by our outbreak. Likewise, please reach out to Diane Ott or Sister Gracy Kundukulam with your concerns.

September 15, 2021

September 13 Test Results Reveal Additional Infections

Earlier this afternoon, we received the results of the facility-wide COVID-19 testing that was conducted here on Monday. The results indicate that we have two Residents and two additional staff members who are positive for coronavirus. All are very mildly symptomatic. We continue to closely monitor the health of the two impacted Residents, as well as that of all of our Residents. The two affected staff members are not permitted to return to work for 14 days. Both of our impacted Residents live in Marian Hall. We have received no positive results connected to the Antonia Hall side of our building.

Now What? — As previously mentioned, we watch and wait and continue our infection control measures. Should anyone become symptomatic or should those who tested positive experience an increase in symptoms, we will respond accordingly. Everyone here will undergo additional rounds of testing in the coming weeks. We must complete at least two rounds of testing with no positive results before our outbreak is considered to be resolved. We will share specifics on testing dates and results as soon as we can. Our current facility-wide quarantine will remain in place indefinitely. Residents will remain confined to their rooms and continue to receive meals there. While we did not receive the promised staff support from the state, our own team members have stepped up to make it possible. All activities, gatherings and non-medical visits have been suspended indefinitely. Dropoffs may continue to be made at the Reception Desk.

Questions & Concerns? — We understand that this news is concerning. Please know that we are working very hard to respond to and contain the situation. If you have specific questions about your loved one, please contact Diane Ott ( or Sister Gracy Kundukulam ( at 412-761-1999. Likewise, we will reach out to you directly if we have concerns.

State Imposes New COVID-19 Restrictions

As we informed you yesterday, we had an employee test positive for COVID-19 earlier this week. As a result — and for the protection of our entire personal care community — the Pennsylvania State Department of Health has mandated the following temporary restrictions for Mt. Assisi Place:

  • All Residents must remain in their rooms at all times.

  • All activities have been suspended, including Mass.

  • All non-medical visits have been suspended, including lobby and outdoor visits.

  • The state is sending support staff so that meals can be served in Resident rooms. Until this support staff arrives, Residents will continue to go to the dining room and eat in a socially-distanced manner. However, this is a very short-term situation. Residents soon will be temporarily confined to their rooms for meals, as well.

  • Testing will be provided for all Residents and employees from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, September 13. Residents will be tested in their rooms; employees should report to the Liturgy Room across from the administrator's office.

We understand the emotional burden that this places on our Residents and families. This is not something that we want to do, but that we have to do. These restrictions will be in place at least until results are known from Monday's testing. Results are not expected to be available until September 15 at the earliest. Based on those results, we will share next steps, as prescribed by the Allegheny County Health Department and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

It is important to note that no one here is exhibiting symptoms and, as of this time, our exposure is limited to a single employee. We continue to closely monitor all Residents. We urge families to take care of themselves, as well, as the extremely contagious Delta variant rages nationwide

We are grateful for your patience and cooperation as we continue to navigate the evolving nature of the pandemic. Should you have any questions in the interim, please contact Diane Ott at

September 8, 2021

Visits Suspended Due to Positive Case

We regret to report that one of our employees has tested positive for COVID-19. As an unfortunate result, we must temporarily suspend visiting for the next 14 days. We have no reason to believe that anyone else has been affected, but we are cautiously monitoring our Residents and checking temperatures regularly.

The impacted employee was exposed outside the workplace and will not be permitted to return to work for two weeks. We are in the process of scheduling precautionary testing for our Residents and employees, as mandated by the Allegheny County Health Department. We will send another update as soon as we have testing details.

Family members will not be permitted to return until at least September 22. Any items to be dropped off to Residents can be left at the Reception Desk. Should you have any questions in the interim, please contact Diane Ott at


September 1, 2021

All August 25 Test Results Negative

The second round of COVID-19 tests conducted on August 25 of all Residents and staff turned up no positive cases. We anticipated that this would be the case, but we are delighted that the results are official. Going forward, we recommend masks for Residents and staff when in common areas and are grateful for the continued cooperation by families with our current visiting guidelines. We will continue to monitor the upcoming availability of vaccine booster shots later this month. Information also will be coming soon about our fall flu shot clinic for Residents and staff.

August 24, 2021

All August 20 Tests Negative

We are happy to report that all COVID-19 tests of Residents and staff conducted on August 20 were negative. This first round of testing established our baseline with the Allegheny County Health Department. A second round of cautionary testing will take place here from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, August 25. Residents and employees can expect the same testing process as last Friday.

August 18, 2021

COVID-19 Testing Set for August 20 and 25

Out of an abundance of caution and in response to our recent breakthrough infections, Allegheny County Health Department has mandated COVID-19 testing for all Mt. Assisi Place Residents and employees on Friday, August 20 and Wednesday, August 25. Everyone will be tested twice. A nurse will accompany the testing team to test all Residents in their rooms. Employees will be tested in the Liturgy Room (large room across from the administrator’s office). Friday’s testing will be at 12 p.m. The exact time for August 25 will be announced. Testing will be conducted free of charge. There will be no makeup dates.

Health Department Visit — As is mandated when a positive case is recorded, Allegheny County Health Department visited Mt. Assisi Place on August 17. The visit resulted in no major changes to our daily operations. It is important to note that, other than the two Residents originally impacted, no one else here has exhibited symptoms. Those who were in immediate contact with the affected Residents all have tested negative. All concerned remain in isolation.

Vaccine Booster Shots — Information has been featured in the news about the availability of booster shots for those who received the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Our Residents and employees were, indeed, vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. We are monitoring information about booster shots and will share with all of you the appropriate specifics when we receive them.

Changes to Visiting Guidelines — We are grateful for cooperation by our Residents and families with the important updates we recently made to our visiting policies.

  • Visitors are limited only to family members who are vaccinated. We also ask that only one family member visit at a time.

  • Guests must wear masks and are prohibited from entering common areas, such as the dining room and chapel. Visits should take place only in Resident rooms or outdoors.

  • Masks are recommended for all Residents and employees.

Masses Temporarily Suspended — As a precaution, we have canceled our weekday and Sunday Masses for August 11-28. Our regular Mass schedule will resume on Sunday, August 29.

As has been the case throughout the pandemic, let's continue to work together to keep everyone safe. Please direct questions to Diane Ott at or 412-761-1999. Thank you.

August 11, 2021

Precautions Underway to Address Breakthrough Infections

We are writing to inform our Residents, families and employees that we have two breakthrough cases of COVID infection at Mt. Assisi Place. Both Residents — one in personal care and one in independent living — were previously vaccinated and both are currently in isolation on the Antonia Hall side of the building. They are experiencing only minor cold-like symptoms and are being closely monitored by their healthcare providers. Residents who live on the same floor also are being isolated as a precaution.

In an effort to protect the rest of our personal care community, the affected Residents will remain in isolation until their healthcare providers advise otherwise. We also are taking the following precautions:

·     We are continuing to monitor Residents' temperatures daily.

·     We will test, on a case-by-case basis, any Resident or employee who becomes symptomatic.

·     We are limiting visitors only to family members who are vaccinated. We also ask that only one family member visit at a time.

·     As outlined in our current visitation guidelines, guests must wear masks and are prohibited from entering common areas, such as the dining room and chapel.

·     Masks are recommended for all Residents and employees.

Please do not panic. As you've likely heard in the news, the Delta variant is on the rise, and breakthrough infections among the vaccinated are not entirely uncommon. Such infections are usually minor in nature. We are making every effort to protect our Residents and employees, and will send updates as appropriate. Family members will be personally notified of any developments that impact their loved ones. Please direct questions or concerns to Diane Ott at 412-761-1999 or

May 19, 2021

MAP Awaiting New Guidance from DHS and CDC

We extend our gratitude to our Residents and their families for both their uplifting presence and for abiding by our current visiting regulations, even as COVID restrictions slowly ease up for the general public.

While our entire state is looking forward with caution to the lifting of additional restrictions on May 31, please know that long-term care facilities like ours must still abide by special rules designed for the protection of vulnerable seniors.

Mt. Assisi Place will continue to monitor any changes communicated to us by the state Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and, in turn, communicate those changes to you. In the meantime, our current visiting restrictions will remain in place for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Updated Mask Policy: Mt. Assisi Place has updated its mask policy in accordance with recent recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Going forward, employees who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer have to wear masks while here. Those who are not yet vaccinated must continue wearing masks for the foreseeable future. Also, all visitors to our building must still wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.

March 16, 2021

Visitors Allowed Back with Restrictions

In accordance with advice from the Department of Human Services, we are delighted to announce that, effective Wednesday, March 17, we are welcoming visitors back into our building, but with restrictions.

It has been a full year — almost to the day — since we restricted non-medical visits. It is exciting and encouraging to all of us and to all of you to be able to ease our restrictions now that the vaccination process has been completed. We do have a few people in the building who were not vaccinated for medical reasons. Therefore, we ask that residents and families pay close attention to the restrictions listed below so that we can continue to move forward safely.

  • Residents can now have up to two visitors at a time in their rooms.

  • Visitors are not to be in common areas, such as the dining room, chapel or lounges.

  • Visiting hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. seven days per week. All visitors must be out of the building by 5 p.m. No exceptions.

  • Upon arrival, visitors must wear a mask, sign in at the Reception Desk and complete a brief temperature screening and survey.

  • Any items you wish to bring to a resident must still be left at the Reception Desk to be delivered by staff.

  • Please plan visits with respect to our meal times. Lunch runs from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and dinner runs from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday brunch is 10 to 11:30 a.m. Residents will come and go to meals, but you cannot accompany them and are not to transport them to or from the dining room. Please let staff tend to this.

  • Please respect social distancing when interacting with staff and other people. Do not congregate or engage in extended conversation with anyone other than the resident you are here to see. Questions about resident progress should be reserved for lengthier phone discussions with our care team.

  • If the weather allows, you are welcome to take a resident outside the front entrance, provided you do not congregate with others. Our Marian Hall patio remains closed at this time.

  • Families may take residents to and from medical appointments and return them directly afterwards without need to quarantine. However, if a resident visits a family home, restaurant or other public place, they will be subject to a 14-day quarantine upon return.

  • Please use good judgment when planning a visit. If you do not feel well, please do not come.

Please respect these restrictions and make the most of these small steps toward “normal.” If you have any questions, please call us at 412-761-1999.

February 16, 2021

Vaccination Nearly Complete

Sister Virginia Rose Carroll, a resident of Antonia Hall, receives her COVID-19 vaccine.

Sister Virginia Rose Carroll, a resident of Antonia Hall, receives her COVID-19 vaccine.

We are happy to report that our residents and employees received their second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on February 12. Things went smoothly and efficiently here with the visiting CVS Health team. A few folks who did not receive their first dose until Friday will complete the two-dose series on March 5.

While we are relieved that our personal care community has been vaccinated, we remain restricted by state guidelines that apply to visitation and other recommendations for long-term care facilities. We continue to closely monitor state guidance and will inform our families when we are able to ease restrictions. In the meantime, please continue to be patient and to seek vaccine opportunities for yourself. We all must keep doing what we're doing and not become complacent. We've come this far, and can't give up now!

Foot Doctor to Visit: Dr. Tony Albertelli, podiatrist, will be onsite at Mt. Assisi Place to see residents on Wednesday, February 24. Our care team is arranging for those who need foot care to see him that day. If you have any specific concerns, please contact Cindy McCullough at 412-761-1999.

January 26, 2021

Even employees who were not scheduled to work on January 22 — including nurse Cindy Leininger (left) — stopped in to be vaccinated.

Even employees who were not scheduled to work on January 22 — including nurse Cindy Leininger (left) — stopped in to be vaccinated.

Dana Funk (right) and her fellow residents in Antonia Hall received their first dose of the vaccine after lunch on January 22.

Dana Funk (right) and her fellow residents in Antonia Hall received their first dose of the vaccine after lunch on January 22.

Residents, Staff Receive First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

Each resident received a card like this one.

Residents and employees of Mt. Assisi Place received their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine here on January 22. Certified immunizers from CVS Health were on hand throughout the day to vaccinate everyone. Residents received their shots either in their rooms or in our lounges. Staff members reported to a common area to be vaccinated. Everyone received a vaccination record card that should be presented upon receiving the second dose. This card should be kept among your important papers for future reference.

CVS Health will return on Friday, February 12 — in accordance with the recommended three-week gap between shots — to administer the second dose to all. Although everyone completed consent forms prior to the first shot, CVS Health requires that a second consent form be completed in order to receive the second dose.

We are making every effort to assist most residents with these forms. However, family members of those who cannot give consent are asked to stop by our Reception Desk anytime before February 11 to complete the second form. This form must be completed in person because it is reproduced in triplicate. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Employees also must complete a second form and are asked to make a copy of their current insurance card (front and back).

January 14, 2021

Residents, Staff to Be Vaccinated January 22

We are pleased to announce that all residents and staff members of Mt. Assisi Place will receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday, January 22. Certified immunizers from CVS Health will be onsite from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. that day to administer the shots. Residents will be vaccinated in their rooms, while our employees will report to a central location. The second, follow-up dose will be administered on Friday, February 12.

Residents (or family members on their behalf) and staff members must complete an authorization form by Wednesday, January 20, in order to receive the vaccine. Click here to print a form. Hardcopies also are available at our Reception Desk from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Completed forms should be returned to Cindy McCullough or Diane Ott by January 20.

Vaccinations are highly recommended, especially for the elderly and for those who live and work in long-term care or congregate living facilities. For more information about the vaccine, please click here. If you do not wish to receive the vaccine or, in the case of family members, do not want your loved one to be vaccinated, please contact Diane Ott immediately at 412-761-1999 or

January Testing Turns Up No Positive Cases: We are happy to report that no positive cases of COVID-19 were detected in the resident and staff testing conducted at Mt. Assisi Place on January 4. This was the fifth set of tests done here, all of which turned up no positive cases. We remain grateful for the cooperation and caution of our residents, staff and families.

A healthcare professional from Allegheny Health Network uses a special hood to fit Nicole Buchlmayer, communications coordinator, for a N-94 face mask.

Employees Receive N-95 Masks: A team from Allegheny Health Network visited us earlier today to fit all of our employees for N-95 face masks. While cloth and disposable surgical masks provide some protection, the professional-grade N-95 mask provides superior protection and is used in critical hospital environments. Diane Ott, administrator, was also trained on how to fit new employees going forward.

Thermal Scanners Being Installed: Through a special grant, Mt. Assisi Place recently purchased two thermal scanning units to screen staff and outside medical personal for elevated temperature and other COVID-19 symptoms. The touch-free units ask a short series of screening questions and record the user's body temperature. If the answers or temperature indicate a problem, the scanner instructs the user not to enter the building. The scanners will be placed at our main entrance and at our rear staff entrance. The recorded data is securely transmitted to our facility's online portal, where it can be archived to meet state regulations and monitored by our administrative team. Once everyone here becomes accustomed to the new technology, it will no longer be necessary to complete manual temperature checks upon entrance daily.

December 31, 2020

COVID Testing Set for January 4

For safety purposes, we will conduct COVID-19 testing for residents and staff at 1 p.m. on Monday, January 4. Teams of healthcare professionals from Allegheny Health Network will be onsite to administer tests just as they did this fall. Residents will be tested in their rooms, while employees will be tested in a central location.

Please note that we have no active cases of COVID-19 in our facility. We are awaiting word on when it will be “our turn” to receive the vaccine. As we mentioned last week, we have contracted with CVS Pharmacy to administer the vaccine and will keep you posted on any new information.

December 23, 2020

Awaiting Word on Vaccine Availability

Good news is on the horizon. We have contracted with CVS Pharmacy to administer the Covid-19 vaccine here at Mt. Assisi Place as soon as it is made available to us. We have not been contacted with a timeline yet, but will share it with you as soon as we have it.

October 23, 2020

COVID Testing Shows No Positive Cases

We are pleased to report that the three consecutive weeks of COVID-19 testing conducted at Mt. Assisi Place on September 29, October 6 and October 13 turned up no positive cases of coronavirus among our residents or staff. We are grateful for these excellent results and to our entire personal care community for working together to get through this necessary but challenging process.

Our residents and staff members also took part in our flu shot clinic held here on October 19 in partnership with Giant Eagle Pharmacy. In the weeks ahead — as the pandemic evolves with the cooling temperatures and the onset of flu season — we will remain vigilant in our infection control efforts and continue to follow the guidelines set forth by the state and federal governments.

Unfortunately, this means that we must continue to restrict non-medical visits. We will continue to offer outdoor, socially-distanced visits as the weather allows. Foyer and virtual visits also remain available. For details on each, click here. We are also working on a plan by which to safely bring short, socially-distanced visits indoors to an isolated area. We will share details as soon as we are able.

September 25, 2020

COVID-19 Weekly Testing Begins September 29

In accordance with state mandate for senior living facilities – and in response to one of our part-time employees recently testing positive – Mt. Assisi Place will conduct COVID-19 testing of all residents and staff once per week for the next three weeks. All residents and staff will be tested three times. The first of three weekly testing sessions will be at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, September 29. Two additional dates will be announced.

As was done in August, three independent teams of healthcare professionals from Allegheny Health Network will be onsite to conduct testing. A member of our care team will accompany them to each resident's room. This same procedure will be repeated weekly for two additional weeks.

Testing fees will be billed to each resident's health insurance. Residents (or family members on their behalf) have the right to refuse testing by contacting Diane Ott at
412-761-1999 or by Monday, September 28.

FLU SHOT CLINIC: With flu season just around the corner, we have finalized details for the Flu Shot Clinic for residents and staff to be held here at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, October 19, in partnership with Giant Eagle Pharmacy. While flu shots are not mandatory, they are strongly encouraged, especially for senior citizens and those who live and work among them. Vaccination is even more important amid the COVID-19 pandemic that promises to complicate an already challenging winter flu season and further strain the healthcare system.

Residents (or family members on their behalf) must complete a flu shot authorization form and attach copies of their current insurance cards for billing purposes. Click the button below to download a printable copy of the authorization form. Forms also are available at our Reception Desk for completion between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily. Flu shots cannot be administered without these documents. Please direct questions to Cindy McCullough at

September 22, 2020

Caution as Part-Time Employee Tests Positive

One of our part-time employees has tested positive for COVID-19. Contact tracing confirms that the employee contracted coronavirus from a family member and not here at Mt. Assisi Place. This employee, who was asymptomatic before testing positive, cares exclusively for residents in Marian Hall. Therefore, we will be retesting all staff and residents on the Marian Hall side of the facility. If you wish to decline testing for your resident, please contact Diane Ott immediately at 412-761-1999 or

We are closely monitoring the temperatures of all residents and staff and have observed no uptick. No one here is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. The affected employee is quarantining at home and will not be permitted back to work until testing negative and completing a 14-day isolation. If the care team has concerns about any resident, the family will be contacted directly. Likewise, those with questions or concerns are welcome to contact Diane.

September 1, 2020

Welcome Back for Outdoor Visits

Mt. Assisi Place is please to once again be able to offer our residents and families opportunities for outdoor visitation beginning Tuesday, September 8. Activities team members Karen Vevers and Patrice Mikec have carved out timeslots around meals and other activities. Because Karen and Patrice work during the week, only weekday visits are available at this time.

How Does Outdoor Visitation Work?

  • Visits take place outside our main entrance.

  • Only one or two visitors is allowed per visit (please no rotating of visitors).

  • Each visit lasts 15 minutes.

  • Please arrive five minutes before your scheduled time and refrain from being late. Your visit being delayed will cause all visits after yours to run behind.

  • Visitors must wear masks or facial coverings

  • Please sit on the bench opposite your loved one.

  • There should be no bodily contact of any kind, such as hugs, kisses and handshakes.

  • Please do not hand supplies or other items to your resident during your visit. All drop-offs should continue to be made at the Reception Desk.

  • Once each resident has had an opportunity for a visit, we will institute a second round of outdoor visits, and so on.

  • In the event of inclement weather, your visit may be moved into the foyer at the main entrance.

How Do I Schedule a Visit? Please review the listing of available weekly timeslots, then call our Reception Desk at 412-761-1999 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. to speak with a receptionist and schedule an open timeslot. Please note there will be no visitation on Monday, September 7.

August 31, 2020

COVID-19 Baseline Testing Yields No Cases

After much preparation and cooperation on behalf of our residents and staff, we are pleased to report that the baseline COVID-19 testing conducted at Mt. Assisi Place on August 17 and 21 (makeup day for staff) resulted in no positive cases of the virus. Every test was negative. This is not only wonderful news, but also testament to the hard work of our residents, families and staff throughout the pandemic. All these months away from your loved ones have not been in vain.

Now What?: Because the pandemic is still active throughout the country and restrictions remain in place, especially for senior living facilities, we must remain vigilant and cautious. We would love to be able to throw open our doors and welcome families and other visitors back into the building, but we cannot. We will, however, resume the outdoor visitation we offered earlier in the summer. This allows for a face-to-face socially-distanced visit with your loved one outside the main entrance or at another agreed upon location on our grounds. Visits through the glass in our foyer also are available.

As both types of visitation are coordinated by our activities team, we are only able to offer them during weekday working hours. To schedule an outdoor or foyer visit, please call 412-761-1999 or email Patrice Mikec at

We will continue to practice rigorous infection control here and ask for your continued patience in these extraordinary times. Please keep in mind, that our restrictions are in accordance with state and CDC guidelines and are intended for the continued health of our residents.

HELP US COOK UP THEIR FAVORITES: Our residents have given positive reviews of the menus developed by our new food service vendor, John Marshall Catering. John has been onsite multiple times and spent time in the dining room meeting the residents and collecting their feedback. Going forward, John would like to incorporate some beloved recipes into his weekly menus. Our activities team is assisting by working with our residents on a survey of favorite foods. We'd also like your input by completing our survey. Menus are set on a five-week cycle, with room for substitutions as appropriate.

READY FOR LABOR DAY: Our main entrance recently got a patriotic upgrade with the addition of a lighted American flag. Installed in time for the coming Labor Day weekend, the flag's reds, whites and blues gleam especially bright at night.

CUTS, CURLS & CONFIDENCE: As our hairdresser, Margie Brown, was tested along with the rest of our staff, she was able to come recently for much-anticipated and long-awaited beauty shop days. Our residents received a tremendous morale boost with the freedom to have their hair cut and styled for the first time in months. We are looking spiffy here!

WELCOME HOME!: Our personal care community extends an enthusiastic welcome to the following new residents who have joined us over the last two weeks: Father Ed L. and Lillian C.

August 6, 2020

COVID-19 Baseline Testing Set for August 17

A few weeks back, we let residents and family members know that Mt. Assisi Place would be conducting state-mandated COVID-19 baseline testing of all residents and employees this summer. Testing has been set for 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Monday, August 17. During that time, two teams of healthcare professionals will be on site to administer the tests. Residents will be tested in their own rooms. Employees will be tested in a central location.

An experienced member of our care team will accompany the testing teams in both Marian and Antonia Halls so that a caregiver familiar with each resident will be present at all times. We anticipate  but cannot guarantee due to circumstances beyond our control  a testing turnaround time of approximately five days. Each resident and/or next-of-kin will be personally informed of their result.

In the event that a resident or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, all appropriate steps will be taken to protect and inform our personal care community. If you have any questions or concerns about the testing process, please contact Diane Ott, administrator, at or 412-761-1999 during the next week, Monday through Friday, August 10-14.

NOW SCHEDULING VIRTUAL VISITS: As non-medical visits remain suspended by COVID-19 restrictions, our care team continues to devise creative ways to keep our residents in touch with their loved ones. Resident Stephanie Dumser thoroughly enjoyed an online meeting with eight family members earlier this month, leading up to her 98th birthday. The virtual visit was made possible by the web-based application Zoom, which can be used on any computer, smartphone or tablet. Our activities team can host one Zoom meeting at 4 p.m. each day Monday through Thursday. Meetings run about 20 minutes, and it's possible for multiple family members to participate from different locations, provided they have internet access. To schedule a virtual meeting with your loved one, call 412-761-1999 or email Patrice Mikec at Patrice will get everything arranged and send you an email with a link to the meeting, which she will facilitate by bringing a laptop to the resident’s room.

ID BANDS ENHANCE SAFETY: Mt. Assisi Place recently instituted a wristband identification system for new residents. Fashioned just like the wristbands that hospital patients wear, the temporary bracelets are worn by new residents for 30 days after admission until our care team has an opportunity to become familiar with them. The wristbands also act as an extra safeguard to ensure that new residents are receiving the right medications.

CHANGES IN OUR DINING ROOM: Residents and employees gathered on July 31 to share well wishes with the outgoing team from Metz Culinary Management. We extend our gratitude to the five departing team members, including long-time staffers Samantha Steenbeke (14 years) and Laura Brandt (32 years), for their dedicated service. Our new food service vendor, John Marshall Catering (JMC), is working hard this week to get to know our residents and to develop menus featuring farm-fresh food. Two members of the Metz team  Rob and Carol  have accepted jobs with JMC and remain at Mt. Assisi Place to help make the transition more seamless. As the new team settles in, we are working toward again posting weekly dining menus on our website. Over the coming weeks, and at the suggestion of John Marshall himself, we will distribute a short survey to ask residents (and family members) about favorite dishes and beloved recipes that can be served here. Look for more information coming soon.

July 20, 2020

Our Personal Care Community Remains Healthy

Last week we notified you of potential exposure of a resident to COVID-19 by a visiting hospice aide who had tested positive. We are pleased to inform you that the resident in question has tested negative for COVID-19. We appreciate hearing from those of you who have had questions or expressed concerns over the past few days.

With your cooperation and understanding, we move forward with the ongoing infection control efforts that have helped our facility remain healthy over these many months. These measures include but are not limited to facial coverings, vigilant hand-washing and use of hand sanitizer, social distancing, daily monitoring of employee temperatures, and mandatory 14-day quarantine of new residents and those who leave the facility for medical appointments.

No residents or employees of Mt. Assisi Place have tested positive, and no one is experiencing symptoms. We continue to prepare for our state-mandated baseline testing of all residents and employees during the second week of August. In the interim, please direct any questions to Diane Ott at or 412-761-1999.

LET’S KEEP WORKING TOGETHER: We understand that these months of separation from loved ones are trying for everyone. In order to protect our personal care community and to comply with state regulations, in-person visits of a non-medical nature remain restricted at this time. There are ways to remain connected that do not violate regulations or put our residents at risk.

Please Don't: We respectfully ask that families refrain from having unannounced visits with our residents when they are outside enjoying the Marian Hall deck. Such visits do not guarantee social distancing and are in violation of the state regulations we are required to follow for senior living facilities.

Please Do: Patrice Mikec of our activities team has equipment in place to allow residents to meet virtually by Zoom. Due to our activities schedule, online meetings can be arranged for later on weekday afternoons. To request a meeting, email Patrice at or call her at 412-761-1999.

July 13, 2020

A Time of Caution

A hospice aide who works for an outside agency and visits a resident here at Mt. Assisi Place has tested positive for COVID-19. The positive result was discovered as part of routine testing done by the hospice agency on its staff members. 

No residents or employees of Mt. Assisi Place have tested positive, and no one is experiencing symptoms.

The resident lives on the Marian Hall side of our facility and, due to her bed-ridden condition, never leaves her room. Out of an abundance of caution, this resident will be tested and, as always, will remain in her room. The family has also been personally notified. 

The last time the hospice aide visited Mt. Assisi Place was on July 7. She is not sick and has no symptoms. The resident also is not experiencing any symptoms. The hospice aide's duties have been taken over by a manager from the hospice agency.

We will continue to monitor the situation here, and, if developments warrant, share any additional information with all of you. Please also continue to look for more details about our baseline COVID-19 testing planned for August. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Ott at 412-761-1999 or

July 10, 2020

During our recent period of outdoor visitation, many of our residents were able to see their family members for the first time since March. Here, resident Emil Parent enjoys an outdoor birthday visit with his son, Emil Jr., and daughter-in-law Debbi…

During our recent period of outdoor visitation, many of our residents were able to see their family members for the first time since March. Here, resident Emil Parent enjoys an outdoor birthday visit with his son, Emil Jr., and daughter-in-law Debbie on July 8.

Mid-Summer Greetings from MAP!

As we approach mid-summer, we wanted to provide our residents, family members and friends with some important updates on happenings here at Mt. Assisi Place:

Visiting Guidelines – We have been pleased to welcome many of you back for outdoor visits over the past two weeks. While this is not the level of intimacy we all expected would be possible by now, we hope that your visits, no matter how brief, provided some renewed sense of connection with your loved ones. As you know, Allegheny County has seen a steadily increasing number of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks. That said, many precautions that were previously softened are being reinstated. This requires us to suspend future outdoor visits for the time-being. As always, we do this with the health and safety of our residents as our utmost priority.

COVID-19 Testing – In accordance with federal guidelines, Mount Assisi Place will conduct COVID-19 testing of all residents and staff members during August. Diane Ott, administrator, is in the process of obtaining the proper supplies and working with the appropriate agencies to establish our testing protocol and contingency plans should anyone test positive. If for some reason, you do not want your resident to be tested (or if you are a resident who does not wish to be tested), please contact Diane directly at 412-761-1999 by July 24.

New Dining Service – On August 3, as we mark a full year since our transition from Marian Hall Home, Mt. Assisi Place will enter into a new food service contract with John Marshall Catering, which specializes in fresh farm-to-table options. Our residents will see no change in cost or meal schedules, but likely will see new menus starting next month (details to come). You can learn more about John Marshall and his Gibsonia-based company here. We thank Metz Culinary Management for their many years of service to Marian Hall and Mt. Assisi Place.

Warm Welcome – Lastly, some very good news. We will welcome four members of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (formerly known as the Vincentian Sisters) as residents later this month. They are moving from Saint Louise Convent in McCandless to a bank of rooms in Marian Hall. The Sisters were drawn to our personal care community, in part, because of our Catholic atmosphere and regular Mass schedule. Please join us in welcoming them.

We will share additional details on COVID-19 testing and new dining menus as soon as they are available. As always, do not hesitate to contact Diane Ott or Cindy McCullough at 412-761-1999 or by email.

June 24, 2020

Outdoor Visitation Begins June 29!


Although ongoing precautions continue to prevent us from welcoming visitors inside our facility, Mt. Assisi Place is pleased to offer our residents and their families opportunities for outdoor visitation beginning Monday, June 29. For the ongoing health of our residents, visits will be arranged by appointment only and with precautions in place.

How Does Outdoor Visitation Work? — Outdoor visits will be available on weekdays and will be organized by our activities team, Karen Vevers and Patrice Mikec. Timeslots have been carved out around meals and other activities. Because only so many timeslots are available and the work schedules of Karen and Patrice must be respected, each resident will be allotted only one visit during this first round of outdoor visitation, which spans the two-week period between June 29 and July 10. Only one or two visitors will be allowed per visit. Once each resident has had an opportunity for a visit, we will institute a second round of outdoor visits, and so on. Each visit will last 15 minutes. We ask that you arrive five minutes before your scheduled time and refrain from being late. Please understand your visit being delayed will cause all visits after yours to be delayed.

What Restrictions Must I Follow? — Visitors must wear masks or facial coverings and sit across the table or bench from their loved one. There should be no bodily contact of any kind, such as hugs, kisses and handshakes. We know this sounds restrictive and counter-intuitive, but please understand that the health of our residents is our utmost concern. Also, please do not hand supplies or other items to your resident during your visit. All drop-offs should continue to be made at the Reception Desk.

How Do I Schedule a Visit? — Call our Reception Desk at 412-761-1999 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. to speak with a receptionist and schedule an open timeslot. At the end of the call, you will know the date and time of your scheduled visit. On the day before your visit, you will receive a phone call to confirm the specific location on our property where your visit will take place.

June 18, 2020

We’ll Be Together Again Soon

Administrator Diane Ott helps resident Stephanie Dumser read greeting cards she recently received. Mail has been a welcome connection with family during isolation.

Administrator Diane Ott helps resident Stephanie Dumser read greeting cards she recently received. Mail has been a welcome connection with family during isolation.

Even though Allegheny County went "green" on June 5, special state-mandated restrictions remain in place for senior living facilities. In accordance with those rules and for the continued good health of our residents, Mt. Assisi Place will continue to follow COVID-19 precautions. When mandates eventually are relaxed – presumably in early July – we will slowly move toward resuming certain activities and visitation, while continuing to be vigilant about the health and well-being of our personal care community.

Outdoor Visits: We know our residents and their loved ones are anxious to see one another. Therefore, we are devising a plan here by which we will soon begin scheduling socially-distanced outdoor visits for family members. As soon as we have the details settled, we will let everyone know how they can go about scheduling such visits.

Mass Resumes: With much anticipation by everyone here, weekly Masses will resume in our chapel this Sunday, June 21, followed by Sunday Brunch. Masses are restricted to residents only and, for the time being, will not include music or singing. Sister Patricia Ann Mahoney, who serves as sacristan of our chapel, is working with our maintenance team to arrange seating in accordance with social distancing guidelines. For now, Masses will only be held on Sundays, with weekday Masses resuming sometime in the future.

Father's Day Fun: We had very much hoped to incorporate a flag retirement and raising ceremony into our Father's Day observance this Friday. But local VFWs and American Legion posts are unable to accommodate due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns. Perhaps we will be able to host such an event in the future. Father's Day still will be special here at Mt. Assisi Place, where all residents will enjoy a yummy pizza and beer luncheon on Friday, topped off with Ben & Jerry's ice cream sundaes.

Fresh Air: Summer is upon us, and we are finding ways to make sure our residents stay safe while enjoying warmer weather and fresh air. Our activities team is conducting weekly garden outings (as pictured above), and our Marian Hall outdoor patio is open. Recent craft projects also have had spring and summer themes, incorporating butterflies and ice cream cones. Whenever possible, we also play the music our residents love to hear.

As soon as we have any update to report regarding regulations, we will let you know right away. In the meantime, keep calling and writing your loved ones and watch for details coming soon about outdoor visits.

May 28, 2020

Let's Continue Working Together


Not much has changed here at Mt. Assisi Place since our last update to you two weeks ago. But that's a good thing. Our personal care community – while enduring the difficult circumstances of restricted visitation – remains healthy. Our rigorous infection control efforts have proven effective so far, and they will continue.

We continue to monitor state and federally-mandated regulations for senior care facilities. In keeping with current guidelines, non-medical visits remain restricted, and we continue to practice social distancing here among our residents. Our activities and food service teams have found creative ways to allow our residents to take part in certain activities and to continue dining downstairs while also respecting distance.

As the Diocese of Pittsburgh resumes Masses on June 1, we are working with the School Sisters of St. Francis to develop a plan by which Masses may resume in our chapel sometime in June with certain safety restrictions in place, of course. Once services do resume, they will be limited to residents only until further notice.

We ask your continued understanding and cooperation during this extended period of separation from your loved ones. We consider it a blessing and a credit to all of you that our residents and staff are healthy. We've all worked so hard and endured so much. Let's not let up now.

As soon as we have any update to report regarding regulations, we will let you know right away. In the meantime, keep calling and writing your loved ones. Every little effort helps.

Patriotic Party Planned — Our activities team continues to solidify details for a special residents-only Father's Day celebration here on Friday, June 19. We are working with local VFW and American Legion posts to arrange a flag-raising ceremony on our property whereby the current worn flag will be properly retired and a new one strung up the pole. This will be followed by a pizza and beer luncheon for our residents. We will announce details as soon as they are locked in.

Lookin’ Spiffy — As reported in our previous update, a few improvement projects are under way here:

  • The salad bar unit in the dining room will be removed next week to create more space.

  • Our maintenance team will be working in the evenings next week to strip and clean the floors in the dining room.

  • More and more flowers are popping up on our hilltop as seasonal landscaping continues.

May 11, 2020

Visitation Restrictions Will Continue

Signs of Hope: The flowers are blooming on the grounds here at Mt. Assisi Place, offering colorful, hopeful glimpses of spring, as we endure these extraordinary times.

Signs of Hope: The flowers are blooming on the grounds here at Mt. Assisi Place, offering colorful, hopeful glimpses of spring, as we endure these extraordinary times.

We wanted to offer an update and provide clarification on where things stand in regard to visitation restrictions. While some of Pennsylvania will enter the "yellow phase" this Friday – allowing restrictions to be eased for some businesses – the current visitation restrictions here at Mt. Assisi Place will not change at this time. Visits here will continue to be limited to those that are medically-necessary. This is in keeping with the state's continued caution regarding senior care facilities.

We understand how difficult it has been for our residents and families to be apart for such an extended period of time. But it has not been in vain. Our personal care community remains healthy, due much in part to the cooperation of our families over the past two months. We are hopeful that, sometime in the not-so-distant future, we will be able to welcome family members back for visits. When the time comes, we will communicate with all of you promptly and follow a cautious and gradual reintroduction of visits, accompanied by vigorous infection control practices.

Father’s Day Plans — Just as we were able to make the most of Mother's Day in isolation with a special residents-only event, our activities team is currently planning something special for Father's Day in June. The arrangements aren't confirmed yet, but as soon as we have details to share, we will send an update.

Physical Improvements — Our maintenance team has been making some cosmetic updates this month. We have replaced the overhead lights in the main dining room and throughout the Marian Hall side with all LED bulbs. This makes our rooms brighter, increases visibility and achieves greater energy efficiency. We're also replacing some of the older chairs in the dining room and will be removing the old salad bar unit to create more space. As ice cream is a popular treat among our residents, we're also working to install a soft-serve ice cream machine.

May 8, 2020

Celebrating Moms at Mt. Assisi Place


Even as we continue to practice social distancing here at Mt. Assisi Place, our activities and food service teams worked extra hard to put together a very special residents-only event to celebrate Mother’s Day. Our 2020 Mother’s Day Tea Party Luncheon was held on May 8 in the main dining room, which was adorned with colorful tablecloths, centerpieces and dishware. Our residents enjoyed fresh fruit, fancy sandwiches, soup, assorted teas, ornate desserts and even champagne! Each resident also received a fresh flower. View a photo gallery from the event here.

May 1, 2020

Shortages Causes Minor Food Substitutions

Due to a shortage of some food items nationwide during the COVID-19 pandemic, our food service team has had no choice but to make substitutions for some products used in our dining room. As we have informed our residents, they may notice some variations in items such as breakfast sausage. This inconvenience is temporary, and we will return to our regular items as soon as possible.

April 28, 2020

An Update for Mt. Assisi Place Families

Notes of Encouragement: Our residents have been blessed to receive special greetings and artwork from local school children in recent weeks. They also appreciate all the cards and greetings that come in from friends and family members.

Notes of Encouragement: Our residents have been blessed to receive special greetings and artwork from local school children in recent weeks. They also appreciate all the cards and greetings that come in from friends and family members.

As the end of April approaches, we wanted to reassure our residents and their families that everyone here at Mt. Assisi Place remains healthy. Our infection control efforts continue, as do our efforts to tend to not only the physical needs of our residents, but also to their emotional and spiritual needs during this time of extended isolation.

  • Our residents are practicing social distancing in our dining room, with no more than two residents per table.

  • Upon entry to our facility, staff and medically-necessary visitors have their temperature taken and recorded and are required to wear masks and use hand sanitizer.

  • Our residents' temperatures are being monitored on a regular basis.

  • We have been fortunate enough to welcome a few new residents to Mt. Assisi Place in recent weeks. Upon admission, new residents are placed on a mandatory 14-day quarantine before taking meals or attending activities with others.

  • All non-medical visits remain restricted at this time.

  • Our daily Masses also remain suspended for the time being.

  • Our activities team is finding creative ways to keep residents entertained while practicing social distancing.

  • We are keeping abreast of all mandates that come to us from the state and federal governments for safe practices, as well as plans for eventual return to normal life.

We appreciate your kindness, patience and consideration during these difficult times. We thank you for continuing to drop off supplies for your loved ones, checking on business mail at our Reception Desk, and reaching out to us with your questions and concerns.

April 10, 2020

An Update & Easter Greetings

We want to assure our families that all residents and staff members here at Mt. Assisi Place remain healthy. During this ongoing COVID-19 crisis in our country and our world, we are continuing our best practices in every effort to keep it that way:

  • We continue to practice social distancing in our activities and in our dining room.

  • We are vigilantly using hand sanitizer, gloves and protective masks, as well as frequent handwashing for infection control.

  • We are taking the temperature of all residents and staff members daily.

  • All non-medical visits remain restricted at this time.

We are conscious of the strain on our residents and families during this extended time apart and are making every effort to tend to not only the physical needs of our residents, but also to their emotional and spiritual needs.

All personal mail items – such as cards, catalogs and magazines – are being delivered daily to our residents. Business mail and bills are being held at the Reception Desk. If you stop by to drop off supplies, please inquire about this mail.

Unfortunately, all of our special events are postponed for the foreseeable future. We must put safety first, and will make every effort to reschedule events later this year.

Do not hesitate to Diane Ott or Cindy McCullough at 412-761-1999 or by email.

Diane's Email:

Cindy's Email:

We wish each of you a blessed Holy Week and Easter. We know this will be a different kind of Easter and hope that you find some comfort in the solitude and silence.

April 1, 2020

Hello from Our Personal Care Community

Residents of Antonia Hall practice social distancing while taking part in seated exercise.

Residents of Antonia Hall practice social distancing while taking part in seated exercise.

We wanted to let you know that no news is good news at Mt. Assisi Place. Our residents and staff members are healthy and working hard to comply with CDC guidelines during this COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Our residents are now dining at set times so we can allow more space between them in the dining room.

  • We are routinely checking the temperatures of our staff members when they report for work.

  • We are practicing vigilant infection control techniques, such as frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer, gloves and masks.

  • While our special event schedule has been suspended indefinitely, we continue to provide engaging activities for our residents while also practicing social distancing.

But we miss you! It is difficult for both residents and families to not be able to visit during these trying times. We want you to know what everyone is doing well. So beginning tomorrow, April 2, we will begin posting photo messages from our residents on the Mt. Assisi Place Facebook page. We encourage you to check it often to see these special messages created by our residents and activities team.

Please note, at this time, we are only able to post messages from those residents for whom we have signed photo release forms. We are making available for download here our Photo Release Form for those who have not yet submitted one and for new residents and families who have recently joined our personal care community. Completed forms may be scanned and emailed back to Diane Ott at, dropped off at the Reception Desk or faxed to 412-761-2556.

Also, the printable dining menus on our website have been updated this week to reflect a change to our Sunday dining schedule. Because we are unable to hold Mass followed by brunch at this time, we are now serving lunch on Sundays for the foreseeable future.

March 24, 2020

Temporary Dining Changes for Residents

As we continue to follow CDC guidelines and exercise great caution during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we are making some temporary changes to our dining room procedures to further protect our residents. Beginning Wednesday, March 25, residents will be assigned specific meal times within the regular 90-minute windows set aside for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

While the 90-minute windows are designed to provide flexibility for each resident, assigning specific mealtimes during this crisis will allow us to better practice the social distancing recommended by the CDC. A new name card listing a specific mealtime has been placed at each resident's seat in the dining room. Our care team will assist residents in getting to and from the dining room at these designated times.

Please know that there are no signs of COVID-19 at Mt. Assisi Place. Because we are a personal care home and not a nursing home or skilled nursing facility, our residents are still permitted to eat in the dining room. However, it is imperative that we practice safe social distancing to help maintain our healthy environment. Under this new arrangement, our residents will be further apart, but they can still talk and enjoy each other's company. 

Monitoring Staff Temperatures — Fever is a common symptom of COVID-19 coronavirus, as well as other kinds of infections. As part of our increased infection control measures, we will be taking the temperature of our staff members each day. Anyone with a fever will be sent home, and proper precautions will be taken. We have ordered special thermometers to make this process quick and accurate. We also have such thermometers on hand to monitor the temperatures of our residents as needed.

Visits Still Prohibited — Please be reminded that all non-medical visits continue to be prohibited. We encourage you to call and send greeting cards during this difficult time of separation. Personal items may be dropped at the Reception Desk and, If needed, you may also pass information through either Cindy McCullough, director of resident care, or Diane Ott, administrator. Call 412-761-1999 or simply click on their names in this paragraph to reach them by email. Certainly, our care team will alert you of any concerns.

We appreciate the cooperation and understanding of our residents and families during these trying times.

March 20, 2020

Daily Masses Suspended Indefinitely

To further protect the health of our residents, we are suspending our daily Masses through at least March 30. We will reassess the situation before then and determine if a longer suspension is needed. Thank you for your understanding.

March 16, 2020

Weekly Soup Sale Suspended Indefinitely

In addition to suspending all non-medical visits and all special events, Mt. Assisi Place is suspending its weekly soup sale for the rest of the season. The sale will resume in October. Thank you to all of our loyal customers who made the sale a success this winter.

March 16, 2020

All Non-Medical Visits Restricted

Mt. Assisi Place is continuing to monitor the quickly evolving circumstances with COVID-19 novel coronavirus in our world, our country and our region. With confirmation over the weekend of four cases in Allegheny County, we find it necessary to protect our personal care community by RESTRICTING ALL NON-MEDICAL VISITS to our facility for the time being. While there are no signs of infection here at Mt. Assisi Place, it is our responsibility to act in the best interest of those we serve, which includes eliminating all non-essential visits and comings and goings in our building.

During this time, we assure our residents and families that they can communicate by telephone, email, postal mail and, if necessary, through our staff. Family members are welcome to reach out to Cindy McCullough, director of resident care, and Diane Ott, administrator, at 412-761-1999 with questions or concerns regarding their loved ones. If you need to drop off supplies or personal items, we ask that you leave them at our Reception Desk to be delivered by our care team.

Our caregivers and activities team are working diligently to not only practice infection control, but also to provide enriching activities. However, we are postponing all public gatherings and events at Mt. Assisi Place, including this Thursday's Care for the Caregiver family education program.

Because it is important for many people to have the comfort of spirituality in uncertain times, daily Mass is continuing to take place in our chapel but ONLY for our residents. Unfortunately, we must refrain from having members of the public attend mass at Mt. Assisi Place, including family members and friends. During Mass, we are practicing safe distancing, only receiving the Body of Christ, and not offering the sign of peace.

We thank you for your kind cooperation during this time. We also encourage you to care for yourself by only going out if necessary, practicing vigilant hand-washing, and staying in contact with friends and loved ones by phone or email. Again, feel free to contact Cindy or Diane at 412-761-1999 with questions or concerns. We will share additional updates as needed.

March 12, 2020

Visiting Restrictions Put in Place

Be assured that we currently have no signs of COVID-19 or any other widespread infection, but we are using precautionary measures to continue to protect our personal care community.

Effective today March 12, we are asking that our residents and families observe the following protocols for visitation:

  • No one under 18 should visit our residents at this time. 

  • We ask that each family limit how many people visit each resident and how often they visit. As a general rule, fewer visits by fewer people are recommended.

  • As always, please use common sense when planning visits. If you have any symptoms of illness, please do not visit.

We are asking for your cooperation with these guidelines for at least a period of two weeks, but may find it necessary to extend them further or make additional restrictions. We will continue to provide updates over the coming days. 

By working together, we can limit the risk of infection here at Mt. Assisi Place. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Diane Ott, administrator, at 412-761-1999 or

March 10, 2020  

Common-Sense Safeguards Against Infection

Mt. Assisi Place is following and monitoring recommended Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for protecting our personal community during the current COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. These precautions are very much in line with those we follow to prevent the flu, gastrointestinal illness, and other illnesses and infections.    

  • We ask that you please refrain from visiting if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness – whether it be respiratory or gastrointestinal. While your symptoms may not seem severe, the risk to our elderly residents is much greater. Please think not only of how you are feeling, but how the same symptoms would impact someone much older or who has a preexisting condition or compromised immune system.

  • Likewise, if you have been exposed to someone who is ill or have recently returned from travel, please refrain from visiting for at least 14 days. We have asked our employees to also use their best judgment by not reporting to work if they are ill.

  • Should a resident fall ill in any way – as is our normal practice here – we will have that resident take meals in their room or other isolated space to limit exposure to others in our common areas. Should we determine that a resident’s symptoms warrant further care or testing, we will act accordingly and inform the family of our concerns and actions.

  • As always, we use common-sense practices like handwashing and use of personal protective equipment to safeguard our residents and employees from infection of any kind. We encourage you to do the same at home.

We ask that you join us in practicing common sense and vigilant personal hygiene, not only during this time of intensified concern, but during all interactions year-round here at Mt. Assisi Place. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Diane Ott, administrator, at 412-761-1999 or